Kotlin range exclusive
Kotlin range exclusive

One big difference in Kotlin is that enums are made by creating an enum class. In Kotlin, as in many other programming languages, an enum is its own specialized type, indicating that something has a number of possible values. This book takes no position on which of these is the preferred pronunciation, but you should note that both pronunciations are used commonly, and people tend to feel quite strongly about which pronunciation is the “correct” one. Some people pronounce it ee-numb, since in its shortened form, it looks a lot more like the prefix to the word “number.” Since it derives from “enumeration,” some people pronounce it ee-noom. Note: There is some debate over how to pronounce the word enum. This is why the concept of the enum was invented. If you think that sounds boring and repetitive, you’re not alone. Using what you already know, you could make a List of all the acceptable values for that piece of information, and walk (or enumerate) through each value, one-by-one, to see if your new piece of information matches one of the expected values. Sometimes you’ll have a piece of information that could (or at least, should) have only one of a limited number of potential values. 24.6 Getting information from the system.22.6 Delegated properties as conventions.21.3 First-class and higher-order functions.20.5 Difference between Java and Kotlin exceptions.19.5 “Static” values and functions from Kotlin.19.3 Making your Kotlin Code Java-friendly.Section IV: Intermediate Topics Section 4: 9 chapters Show chapters Hide chapters 18.6 Generic type variance (a.k.a., in and out declarations).18.3 Creating your own generic constraints.18.2 Extension functions on types with generic constraints.18.1 Anatomy of standard library generic types.17.4 Interfaces in the standard library.16.2 Enum class properties and functions.11.3 Understanding state and side effects.

kotlin range exclusive

Section III: Building Your Own Types Section 3: 8 chapters Show chapters Hide chapters Section I: Kotlin Basics Section 1: 7 chapters Show chapters Hide chapters

Kotlin range exclusive